
Trivia and Tidbits A song list with songs that they've played. Trivia *Two other bands have been called
Nirvana. The first had a minor hit in the late 60s titled Chasing Rainbows. They released several albums, one titled
The Story of Simon Simeopath. The Other is a Christian-Rock band from th early 80s. They attempted to sue our Nirvana
for stealing their name. In early '92, the Christian Nirvana played a show in California and it was attended by many
angry fans expecting our Nirvana to play. *Courtney was married in an old dress of Francis Farmer's *Frances
was not named after Francis Farmer, but after a member of the Vaselines. Kurt says he'd wished he'd thought of naming
her after Farmer. Frances's middle name comes from the shape she appeared in a sonogram (bean). A picture of the
sonogram appears on the cover of the Lithium single on the left side. *Breed was originally called 'Immodium'
based on the medicine that the lead singer of Tad used on one of their European tours. *The morning of the New
Music Seminar 7/23/93, Kurt od'd on heroin, Courtney injected him with an illegal drug used to wake people who've
od'd on heroin. He went onstage and performed. No one knew the difference. *Where did the title for Smells
Like Teen Spirit come from? the deodorant? One day Kurt and a friend were having a discussion about teenage revolution,
they later got drunk and his friend wrote on the wall 'Kurt smells like teen spirit', Kurt was inspired, he thought
she meant he would be the type of person who could incite a teen rebellion. He went and wrote the song. She thought
that he just smelled like the deodorant. Kurt hadn't heard of the deodorant at the time, he claims to have rarely used
it himself. *Is Rape me about Poetic Justice for a rapist, or is it about the media? Kurt always insisted
that it wasn't aimed at the media, but one line of the song is directed toward the Vanity Fair article and it's author,
Lynn Hirschberg. 'My favorite inside source', Lynn claimed to have gotten the info that Courtney did heroin the
whole time of her pregnance from 'an inside source'. The song itself is a song of justice (as Kurt put it), A guy
rapes a girl, goes to prison, and is raped there. *What is the correct spelling of Kurt's name? It is spelled
Kurt, the odd spelling Kurdt came from when they recorded 'Mexican Seafood' for the Teriyaki Asthma compilation. When
it came time to make the album, they realized that they didn't know Kurt's name so they got ahold of someone who
'thought they knew' and it went from there. Incidentally, the people at Caroline records (who put out the Teriyaki
Asthma compilation) received no money for the appearance of 'Mexican Seafood' on Incesticide because they didn't bother
with a contract cuz they didn't didn't make contracts for any bands. He later used the misspelling to give him
self some anonyminity. The "monkey photo" credit on Nevermind is to Kurdt Kobain. *What's the deal
between Kurt and Axl? Axl had asked Kurt to join them on their huge tour. Kurt declined. Later Axl asked Kurt to
play at his 30th birthday party. Kurt declined. This is from 'The Advocate' Feb 03 1993. Kurt was asked 2 questions
about Guns and Roses. Q: Is there anything about Guns N' Roses' music you like? A: I can't think of a
damn thing. I can't even waste my time on that band, because they're so obviously pathetic and untalented. I used to
think that everything in the mainstrteam pop world was crap, but now that some underground bands have been signed
with majors, I take Guns N' Roses as more of an offense. I have to look into it more: They're really talentless
people, and they write crap music, and they're the most popular rock band on the earth right now. I can't believe it.
Q: Didn't Axl Rose say something nasty to you at the MTV Video Music Awards in September? A: They
actually tried to beat us up. Courtney and I were with the baby in the eating area backstage, and Axl walked by. So
Courtney yelled, "Axl! Axl, come over here!" We just wanted to say hi to him--we think he's a joke,
but we just wanted to say something to him. So I said, "Will you be the godfather of our child?" I don't
know what had happened before that to piss him off, but he took his aggressions out on us and began screaming bloody
murder. These were his words: "You shut your bitch up, or I'm taking you down to the pavement." [laughs]
Everyone around us just burst out into tears of laughter. She wasn't even saying anything mean, you know? So I turned
to Courtney and said, "Shut up, bitch!" And everyone laughed and he left. So I guess I did what he wanted
me to do--be a man. [laughs] Kurt told this story to the crowd at the Portland OR 9/10/92 concert, try to get
it if you can. *What went on with the Vanity Fair article? Vanity Fair wrote an article about Courtney and her
drug use. They twisted the facts and got the Cobains into a lot of trouble. Kurt was asked 2 questions about it.
Once again this is taken from 'The Advocate' Feb 03 1993. Kurt: I've never read an article that was more convincing
yet more ridiculous in my life. Everybody from our record label to our management to our closest friends believed
that shit. She [Hirschberg] did a really good job of taking a piece of what Courtney had said and turning it
into something completely different. I've seen that happen before--it's happened with me alot of times--but this
was such an extreme and done so well that I have to give her credit. She's a master at being catty. Q: What
about the drug use? A: Courtney was honest about the heroin excursion we went on for a few months. Then Courtney
found herself pregnant, realized she was pregnant and had a drug problem, and got off drugs. It's as simple as that.
But it made it look like eight months after the fact, Courtney was still nine months pregnant and still doing drugs
and everyone was really concerned. Like there was some awful den of iniquity going on in our apartment. I looked
really skinny. Well, I am a skinny person, and I gain ten pounds every time I'm photographed, so peopel assume I'm this
chunky, normal weight person. I'm just so tired of talking about this. We have to live with the resuslts
of this one article every fucking day. It's something we have to deal with all the time. The results of thie
article were that there was an investigation into the Cobains that resulted in Francis being taken away for some time
(Courtney's sister took care of her). They finally got custody back after being able to prove they were good parents.
The Song List The Almost Complete Nirvana song list Names in parenthesis indicate alternate names
of the songs. Cover songs are listed with the true authors in brackets An asterix immediately after the title indicates
true title is not known. (KC) after the title means that it is a Kurt only tune (or a duet w/CL) (FM) denotes
a song from the Fecal Matter demo About a Girl Aero Zeppelin All Apologies Aneurysm Bambi Slaughter
(FM) Beans Been A Son Beeswax Big Cheese Big Long Now Blandest Blew Born In A Junkyard * Breed
(Immodium) Buffy's Pregnant (FM) Come As You Are Clean Up Before She Comes (KC) Crisco Curmudgeon D
- 7 {The Wipers} Dive Downer Do You Love Me? {Kiss} Dough, Ray and Me (KC) Drain You Drunk In Rio
(KC) Dumb Endless, Nameless Even In His Youth Floyd The Barber Fountain Soda Frances Farmer Will Have
Her Revenge On Seattle Frizzle (Frazzle) (KC) Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip Hairspray Queen
Heart-Shaped Box Help me I'm hungry * Here She Comes Now {Velvet Underground} High On The Hog {TAD} I
Hate Myself And Want To Die If You Must In Bloom In His Room (In His Hands)* It's Closing Soon (KC) Jesus
Didn't Want Me For A Sunbeam {The Vaselines} Lake Of Fire {The Meat Puppets} Laminated Effect (FM) Lithium Lounge
Act Love Buzz {Shocking Blue} Man Who Sold The World {David Bowie} Marigold Mexican Seafood Milk It Molly's
Lips {The Vaselines} Money Will Roll Right In {Fang} Montage of Heck Mr. Moustache Mv (Moise Vagina) Negative
Creep Oh Me {The Meat Puppets} Oh, The Guilt On A Plain On A Mountain (You Got No Right) Opinion (KC)
Paper Cuts Pen Cap Chew Pennyroyal Tea Plateau {The Meat Puppets} Polly Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
Rape Me Return Of The Rat {The Wipers} Scentless Apprentice School Scoff Serve The Servants Sifting
Sliver Smells Like Teen Spirit Spank Thru Spectre * Something In The Way Son of a Gun {The Vaselines}
Stain Stay Away Swap Meet Talk To Me * Territorial Pissings Token Eastern Song tourette's Turnaround
{Devo} Where Did You Sleep Last Night {Leadbelly} Verse-Chorus-Verse Very Ape

